Monday, August 31, 2009,, allergy, allergies, monday august 31, 2009
* finally working again - Celiac Coeliac Twitter real time search live feed
* NEW - Allergy Allergies Twitter real time search live feed
* - Gluten Free Twitter real time search live feed
Saturday, August 29, 2009
arturo joes, narragansett, ri, pink alfredo, saturday august 29, 2009
*Gluten-Free "at the beach"
Arturo Joe's italian grill 140 point judith road narragansett, ri 02882 offers gluten free pasta with any of their yummy sauces, like pink alfredo (a variation of vodka sauce), san marzano (chunky marinara or pomodoro?), alfredo and many others. They also make gluten free pizza.
And there are gluten free members of the staff...
Friday, August 28, 2009
a little burnt out,, belmont market, will google every love, plate tectonics, sean kingston, friday august 28, 2009
*a little burnt out, so no posting on thursday august 27, 2009
Posting every day can be tiring
*Interesting tool,
Find out about twitter followers by subject with
*technical problems with Celiac Coeliac twitter real time search feed has had technical problems today. Should be resolved soon.
*Enjoy life president follower on twitter
A person claiming to be president of Enjoy Life foods is following on twitter to glutenfreediary
We think it interesting and a bit odd that this is the case. It would be great if an important representative from Enjoy Life were a follower, leaving the president of the company to help invent and market more yummy stuff.
* A good selection
a good selection of gluten free stuff at at least on belmont market location in rhode island.
* will google ever love again?
google used to love - now it just likes
a while ago doing a google search of gluten free diary on google showed up in around the sixth position in the list. After some tweeking, including adding some keywords, google doesn't like as much.
*google search for gluten free and other stuff
Results 1 - 10 of about 6,970,000 for gluten free. (0.17 seconds)
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,220,000 for plate tectonics [definition]. (0.33 seconds)
Results 1 - 10 of about 7,880,000 for sean kingston. (0.09 seconds)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
gluten is gluten, celiac is coeliac, potato chips, dairy,, wednesday august 26, 2009
*gluten is gluten. celiac is coeliac.
why aren't all potato chips all potato? dairy
*Celiac Coeliac Twitter Search Feed Real time live search
*Gluten Free Celebrity Jenny Mccarthy is on the cover of Weight Watchers magazine and is in an article. Yesterday, saw her man Jim Carrey in a movie trailer for A Christmas Carol animated movie.
*Gluten-Free Enjoy Life cookies are on bottom shelves at Northvale NJ Shoprite supermarket and Organica natural food store - Maybe higher shelves would mean higher sales!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
two on the summer camp bus, tuesday august 25, 2009
*two on the summer camp bus
What are the odds that there were two campers on the summer camp bus with the exact same birthday, four years apart, who both have celiac?
Monday, August 24, 2009,, gluten free twitter search feed, monday august 24, 2009
*Gluten Free Twitter Search Feed
So Cool! A real time twitter search feed for the phrase 'Gluten Free'
Sunday, August 23, 2009, glutenfree, gluten free,, cheese ravioli , conte's,, sunday august 23, 2009
*Another place to find
look at for the blog - from the people at
look at
look at
look at
*Yummy gluten free cheese ravioli
From frozen at the market at home cooked and ate the great gluten free cheese ravioli from contes pasta. YUMMY!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
uncommon grounds, great barrington, tweets,, saturday august 22, 2009
*Gluten free bread
At Uncommon Grounds, 403 stockbridge road, great barrington, MA, 01230 they make yummy stuff and offer gluten free bread - thanks!
Or if you prefer here are all of the tweets:
Real-time results for glutenfreediary
gfveg: @glutenfreediary eating flours now i never heard of till being told i was celiac and had to go gluten free. adventure! about 23 hours ago from web
glutenfreediary: Gluten free yummies might have rice, corn, tapioca, sorghum,potato,soy,peanut,arrowroot, buckwheat. diary do1 1 day ago from web
glutenfreediary: Swedish Celiac Epidemic Linked to Baby Formula diary dairy redo6 1 day ago from web
glutenfreediary: Celiac Disease Occurs in One Out of Every 100 Europeans diary redo3 1 day ago from web
glutenfreediary: Unfamiliar Gluten-free Grains are Nutritional Powerhouses diary redo5 1 day ago from web
glutenfreediary: Buckwheat & Sorghum are Most Common Grains in G-F Beer diary redo2 1 day ago from web
glutenfreediary: Junk Food is the Strongest Trend in G-F Foods and Beverages diary redo2 1 day ago from web
glutenfreediary: FDA Gluten-Free Food Labeling Standards Overdue diary redo2 1 day ago from web
glutenfreediary: A Rash of New G-F Beers has not Yet Made a Splash in Sales diary redo1 1 day ago from web
glutenfreediary: Numerous Medical Problems are Associated with Gluten diary dairy 1 day ago from web
glutenfreediary: Raise Awareness! informs & amuses about gluten free diet (food) & lifestyle (restaurants,shopping,lists,products,media) 4 days ago from web
glutenfreediary: Are you going to a birthday party and you are gluten free - BYOC - Bake your own Cake and Bring your own Cake. redo2 4 days ago from web
glutenfreediary: Some people believe that a gluten free diet can safely include oats. We do not. diary 5 days ago from web
glutenfreediary: Kudos for urban democracy, the term "gluten free celebrity" has officially made it to urban pop culture on 5 days ago from web
glutenfreediary: How do we start to reverse the trend of people increasingly getting celiac? gluten free diary dairy 5 days ago from web
glutenfreediary: Be comfortable: ask at the natural health food store for gluten-free products or product types you deduce should be there, but you don't see 5 days ago from web
Planning to see some live shakespeare this week and do not expect any gluten free references. diary1:07 PM Aug 15th from web
Went to a birthday party and a tween/teen asked "What is gluten"? diary12:20 PM Aug 15th from web
bring unopen bag of tinkyada gluten free pasta to italian restaurant & ask them to cook it into a meal on the menu! AM Aug 15th from web
More to Love's Emme eats gluten free, and includes spelt. We don't think spelt is gluten free. diary again8:58 AM Aug 15th from web
Plan, Stock up and Bring gluten-free food and beer with you when traveling on vacation retweet1:10 PM Aug 14th from web
Saw a dude around the local post office with a tshirt with (just the words) gluten-free on the back retweet1:09 PM Aug 14th from web
Rice Chex and Corn Chex (from General Mills) are gluten free. PM Aug 13th from web
blatant plug 2 check out gluten free diary PM Aug 13th from web
blatant plug check out glutenfreediary.com2:57 PM Aug 13th from web needs a definition for gluten free.
LilAjeenah87@glutenfreediary: Raise Awareness! informs7:33 PM Aug 18th from API
*Is arrowroot really gluten free?
Friday, August 21, 2009
strawberry, cinammon and chocolate chex, cinnamon, rice, corn, tapioca, sorghum, potato, soy, peanut, arrowroot, friday august 21, 2009
*strawberry, cinammon and chocolate chex
Tried each of these. Cinammon cinnamon chex are most appreciated, and yummy.
This was spelled incorrectly earlier - thank you!
*Show us what you're made of!
Gluten free yummies might have rice, corn, tapioca, sorghum, or potato. They might have soy or peanut. They might have arrowroot. They may have buckwheat.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
trattoria il vesuvio, alfredo, marinara, against the grain gourmet, jacobs pillow, thursday august 20, 2009
*trattoria il vesuvio
Thanks to trattoria il vesuvio, 242 pittsfield road (route 7 and route 20), lenox MA 01240 for cooking gluten free tinkyada pasta into a yummy alfredo dish and a yummy marinara dish.
*FREE and gluten-free
The best deal during a summertime in the Berkshires is Inside/Out at Jacobs's Pillow 358 george carter road becket MA 01223 at 6:30pm on wednesdays thru saturdays. Take everyone to see world class free modern dance, which lasts for about an hour, outdoor with a backdrop of the mountains, for FREE (which for four people is worth like $50)! Bring a meal, like gluten-free against the grain gourmet bagels (bought frozen) with cream cheese, some veggies, some fruit, and gluten free cherrybrook kitchen (premade) vanilla cookies.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
price chopper, lee, beer, food and beverage markets - trends and developments worldwide, wednesday august 19, 2009
*Beer found!
The price chopper supermarket at 88 West Park Street, Lee, MA has gluten free RedBridge beer!
*Supermarket trends - Gluten
Doing a google search of supermarket trend gluten yielded a list with this close to the top
Gluten-free food and beverage markets - trends and developments worldwide
Although there is a big cost for the document, the table of contents and abstract are "free" and duplicated below - and have interesting info in them - happy reading...
The Gluten-Free Food and Beverage Market: Trends and Developments Worldwide, 2nd Edition
Published by: Packaged Facts
Published: Apr. 1, 2009 - 188 Pages
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Executive Summary
*The Products
*What is Gluten?
*FDA gluten-free food labeling standards are overdue
*A List of the Types of Products and Categories Represented in the Gluten-free Foods and *Beverages Market
*The Market
*Size and Growth of Market
*Market Definition
*Products that Could Conceivably Contain Gluten, but Clearly Don’t
*A Summary of Market Forces from 2004-2008
*2008 Finishes Off with $1.56 Billion in Retail Sales
*Table 1-1: Retail Sales of U.S. Gluten-free Foods and Beverages, 2004-2012
*Sales Are Projected to Reach $2.6 Billion by 2012
*Table 1-2: Projected U.S. Retail Sales of Gluten-Free Foods Beverages, 2008-2012
*The Marketers
*Overview of Marketers: 4 Basic Types
*Specialty-Marketers Still in the Majority
*Health/Natural Food Marketers Convert to Gluten-Free
*Supermarket’s Private-Label Brands Leap in with Both Feet
*Mega-Marketers Join the Fray
*The Marketplace
*Different Types of Retail Channels
*G-F Products are Retailed through Some Unusual Channels
*Market Composition by Retail Outlet 2008
*Table 1-3: U.S. Share of Sales of Gluten-Free Foods and Beverages, by Retail Outlet 2008 (percent)
*The Consumer
*Numerous Medical Problems are Associated with Gluten
*Gluten-Free 2.0
*Healthy Consumers Go Gluten-Free
*New Products & Trends
*Vast Array of Marketers are Going Gluten-Free
*Private Label is Coming on Strong
*A Rash of New G-F Beers has not Yet Made a Splash in Sales
*Global Spotlight
*Europe, North America, & Anzac Countries are at the Forefront
*Affluent Countries are Prime GF Markets
*European Governments are Proactive about G-F Dieting
*Chapter 2:
*The Products
Key Points
*What is Gluten?
*What is Gluten-Free?
*FDA Gluten-Free Food Labeling Standards Overdue
*What is a Gluten-free Food?
*A List of the Types of Products and Categories Represented in the Gluten-free Foods and Beverages Market
*Sources for Gluten-Free Flour, an International Guide
*Gluten-free Doesn’t Mean Home Free When it Comes to Baking
*Gluten-Free Advocacy Groups’ Certification Approval Programs
*Other Forms of Gluten-Free Endorsements from Gluten-Free Advocacy Groups
*Self Labeling is the Most Common Form of Certification, but it has Some Pitfalls
*Chapter 3:
*Medical Conditions Relating to Gluten and the Consumer
Key Points
*Numerous Medical Problems Involve Gluten
*Celiac Disease
*Celiac Disease Can be Symptomatic or Asymptomatic
*Only 40,000-60,000 Americans Diagnosed with Celiac Disease
*Undiagnosed Celiacs Estimated at Between 1.5 to 3 million
*Celiac Patients Have Influence Well Beyond their Diagnosed Numbers
*Anheuser-Busch Pegs G-F Demographic Base at 3.2 Million
*Gluten-free Diet is the Only Treatment for Celiac Disease, but this May Change
*Gluten Allergy, Gluten-Sensitivity, Idiopathic Gluten-Sensitivity and Gluten-Sensitive Idiopathic Neuropathy
*Irritated Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
*Gluten-free Dieting Embraced by IBS Sufferers, but Frowned on by Mainstream Medicine
*Autism Cuts Across All Ethnic and Income Groups
*The Number of Autism Diagnoses Rising Annually
*Unknown Until the 1940s, Autism Remains Mysterious
*Refrigerator Mom Concept Melts Away
*Autism Diets Eliminate Casein as Well as Gluten
*Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
MS, RSI & Other Neurological Conditions
*Cancer and Other Outlyers
*Lack of Medical Evidence Does Not Deter a Public Benefiting From the Placebo Effect
*Gluten Tolerances Vary Depending on Medical Condition
*Gluten-Free 2.0
*Table 3-1: Diseases that Have a Major Effect on the Market and the Types of Gluten-Free Diet Use to Treat Them
*Table 3-2: A Sampling of U.S. Organizations and Support Groups with Gluten-Free Diet Information
*Chapter 4:
*The Market
Key Points
*Market Definition
*Products that Could Conceivably Contain Gluten, but Clearly Don’t
*A Summary of Market Forces from 2004-2008
*2008 Finishes Off with $1.56 Billion in Retail Sales
*Figure 4-1: Retail Sales of Gluten-free Foods and Beverages, 2004-2008 (in millions of dollars)
*How Packaged Facts Derived its Sales Figures
*Market Composition by Retail Outlet 2008
*Table 4-1: Share of Sales of Gluten-Free Foods and Beverages, by Retail Outlet, 2008 (percent)
*Different Types of Products Favor Different Types of Retail Outlets
*Future Market Growth Factors
*Mainstreaming of Gluten-Free Foods and Beverages
*General Mills Opens the Floodgates
*Anheuser-Busch Breaks New Ground
*Retailers Use Private Label, Special Sections and Product Lists to Push Gluten-Free
*Wegmans Rides the Gluten-Free Wave
*Market Driven by Consumer Activism
*Web 2.0 Marketing a Key Factor
*Chinese Ingredient Scandal Raises Anti-Gluten Consciousness as Gluten-free Dons a Healthy *Halo
*Gluten-free Dons the Healthy Food Halo
*Autism's Unlikely Gluten-Free Spokeswoman
*Growing Awareness and Diagnosis of Celiac Disease
*Manufacturers Expand Gluten-Free Offerings
*One Large and Omnipresent Cloud on the Market’s Horizon
*Economic Downswing has a Silver Lining for the Gluten-free Market
*Sales are Projected to Reach $2.77 Billion by 2012
*Table 4-2: Projected U.S. Retail Sales of Gluten-Free Foods Beverages, 2008-2012 (in millions of dollars)
*Chapter 5:
*The Marketers
Key Points
*Overview of Marketers: 4 Basic Types
*Specialty-Marketers Still in the Majority
*Health/Natural Food Marketers Convert to Gluten-Free
*Supermarket’s Private-Label Brands Leap in with Both Feet
*Mega-Marketers Join the Fray
*3 Paths into the Gluten-Free Market
*Determining Market Share
*Methodology for Tracking Gluten-free Sales
*Monitored Retail Sales of Gluten-free Marketers in Food/Drug/Mass Merchandiser Outlets by Category
*Dry Packaged Dinners
*Table 5-1: Retail Sales of Gluten-free Marketers in the Dry Packaged Dinner Category (in dollars and percent of GF products)
*Dry Packaged Dinner Category
*Spaghetti/Italian Sauce
*Table 5-2: Retail Sales of Gluten-free Marketers in the Spaghetti/Italian Sauce Category (in dollars and percent of GF products)
*Table 5-3: Retail Sales of Gluten-Free Marketers in the Pasta Category (in dollars and percent of GF products)
*Frozen Pizza
*Table 5-4: Retail Sales of Gluten-Free Marketers in the Frozen Pizza Category (in dollars and percent of GF products)
*Frozen Breakfast
*Table 5-5: Retail Sales of Gluten-free Marketers in the Frozen Breakfast Category (in dollars and percent of GF products)
*Cold Breakfast Cereal
*Table 5-6: Retail Sales of Gluten-free Marketers in the Cold Breakfast Cereal Category (in dollars and percent of GF products)
*Table 5-7: Retail Sales of Gluten-free Marketers in the Cracker Category (in dollars and percent of GF products)
*Market Expands in Different Directions Complicating Competition
*General Mills Shuffles the Deck
*Using Private-Label and Special Sections, Retailers Join the Fray
*Gluten-free Marketers Have the Advantage of Clarity Over Broader Based-Marketers
*Food Roulette Isn’t Something You Want to Put Your Money On
*Wellshire Farms Response
*Consequences for Consumers Inevitably Lead to Consequences for Marketers
*Specialty Marketers Struggle with Pricing During a Downturn
*Mega-Marketers Remain Poised for a Move—Watch Your Price Points!
*An Ace in the Hole that No Amount of Price Points Can Take Away
*Competitor Profiles
*Competitor Profile: Amy’s Kitchen, Inc., Santa Rosa, California
*Amy’s Markets to Consumers with a Wide Variety of Health Concerns
*A Continuing Focus on Gluten-Free Since 2002
*A Continuing Aggressive Stance on New Product Introductions
*Competitor Profile: (Weetabix) Barbara’s Bakery, Inc., Petaluma, California
*Weetabix Enters the Picture
*A Private Equity Firm Takes Charge
*Competitor Profile: Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods, Inc., Milwaukie, Oregon
*Rising Like a Phoenix from its Own Ashes, Bob’s Red Mill Relocates
*A Gluten-Free Manufacturing Area Reflects Bob’s Commitment to Expanding Gluten-free *Offerings Gluten-free
*Years of Double Digit Growth
*Competitor Profile: Ener-G Foods, Inc., Seattle, Washington
*One of the Oldest Dietary Needs Food Producers in the U.S.
*A Diverse Gluten-free and Gluten-free/Casein-free Product Line
*An Ever Changing Product Line
*Competitor Profile: Enjoy Life Natural Brands, LLC, Schiller Park, Illinois
*Changing of the Guard
*The Company Acquires Perky’s
*Chapter 6:
*The Marketplace
Different Types of Retail Channels
*G-F Products are Retailed through Some Unusual Channels
*Gluten-Free E-Tailers
*Gluten-Free Specialty Stores:
*G-F Stores also Pay Attention to Other Dietary Needs
*Marketer/Producer Websites and Visitor Centers
*Ethnic and International Stores and Websites
*Untraditional Retail Outlets Benefit from Web 2.0 Marketing
*Gluten-Free E-Tailers Battle E-Grocers
*Where there’s a Mouse there’s a Way on the Gluten-free Web
*Supermarkets also Use Web 2.0 to Embrace the G-F Consumer
*Health/Natural Foods Stores Have a Similar, but Different Culture than Gluten-free Specialty Stores
*Whole Foods Completes $565 Million Acquisition of Wild Oats
*Supermarkets Embrace the Gluten-Free Consumer
*The Prime Beneficiaries of Retailers’ G-F Activities are Retailers
*SuperValu Yanks Gluten-free Lists
*Missing Out on G-F Private Label Customers Could be Costly for Retailers
*Retail Distribution Methods
*Direct Delivery Advantages
*The Cost of Face-To-Face Business
*Advantages of Warehouse Delivery
*Smaller Marketers Work through Brokers
*Introducing New Special Dietary Needs Products to the Market
*Gluten-free Presence is Felt at Health/Natural Foods Expos
*Local Gluten-Free Events
*Chapter 7:
*New Products and Trends
Key Points
*New GF Product Intros Continue to Increase Annually
*Table 7-1: New U.S. Gluten-Free Food and Beverage Product Intros, U.S., 2003-2008
*Frozen Ready Meals Category Leads the Way
*Table 7-2: New U.S. Gluten-Free Food and Beverage Product Intros in 2008, by Category
*Junk Food is the Strongest Trend in G-F Foods and Beverages
*Table 7-3: New Gluten-Free Sweet and Snacks (Junk Food) Product Intros, U.S., 2004-2008
*Gluten-Free Beer: A World of Potential Not Yet Realized
*Buckwheat & Sorghum are Most Common Grains in G-F Beer
*The Great American Beer Festival Adds a Gluten-free Beer Category in 2007
*Gluten-free Beer Competition “Will Grow Dramatically in the Future”, according to Beer Fest
*Anheuser-Busch’s Redbridge Takes the Gold
*Lakefront Brewery’s New Grist Captures the Silver for Milwaukee
*Sprecher’s Brewery Introduces Traditional African Beer
*2008 Bronze Goes to Deschutes Brewery
*The Vast Beer Market Beer has Room for a Profitable G-F Niche
*Bard’s Tale an Exclusively Gluten-free Brewer
*Passover Honey Lager, a Kosher, Gluten-Free Beer
*Nouvelle-France Tries Gluten-Free Brewing North of the Border
*Gluten-Free U.K. Ales Available in the U.S.
*Nick Stafford’s Hambleton Ales
*Green’s Gluten-free Beers
*Belgian Style Ale Offers Opportunities to Gluten-Free Brewers
*Carlsberg Finds a Way to Brew Gluten-free with Barley Malt
*Around the World with Gluten-free Beer
*Over 225 Marketers Introduced New Gluten-free Products into the U.S. in 2008
*Table 7-4: New Gluten-Free Foods and Beverage Product Intros by Company, U.S. 2008
*G-F Private-label Soar—as Supermarket Chain Wegmans Leads in New Product Introductions
*Green Mountain Coffee Embraces the Junk-food Trend with Gluten-free Chocolate
*Brothers International Joins Disney to Introduce G-F Kid Snacks
*Lhian Thai Rice Vermicelli Co. Comes in Fourth
*Single Grain Marketers from Salba to Hemp
*Ruth's Hemp Foods Hedging the Single Grain Strategy
*The Marketing of Nutritional Addition vs. the Marketing of Taste Neutrality
*Unique Grains More Nutritious than their Glutinous Counterparts
*Taste Just as Good as a Glutinous Product —Angel’s Touch
*Glutenfreeda’s “Crossover” Taste
*Quinoa Corporation Emphasizes Nutritional Superiority
*Unfamiliar Gluten-free Grains are Nutritional Powerhouses
*Chapter 8:
*Global Spotlight
Key Points
*Gluten-Free Glance at the World
*Table 8-1: Gluten-Free Food & Beverage Product Introduction SKUs, 2000-2008, by Nation
*Productscan is Only a Measure of New Products and Not Existing Products Converted to *Gluten-free Status
*Europe and North America are the Most Important Markets
*In The Rest of the World, the Trans-Tasman Countries Stand Out
*Asia, Africa and South America Have Mostly Gluten-Free Diets
*World-Wide—G-F Marketing and Affluence Go Together
*Spotlight on Europe
*In Europe, Gluten-Free Dieting Becomes a Quality of Life Issue
*Celiac Disease Occurs in One Out of Every 100 Europeans
*In Europe, G-F Dieting is Even More Closely Associated with Celiac Disease than in the U.S.
*European Governments Actively Involved in Promoting Gluten-Free Consumption
*New European Gluten-Free Labeling Standards Passed in January 2009
*Europe-wide Research Project to Facilitate Gluten-free Monitoring 149
*Proactive Approach to Monitoring Will Benefit Market
*Gluten-free Grassroots Organizations also Active in Europe
*AOECS is the Most Important Grassroots Organization in Europe When it Comes to Gluten-free Dieting
*U.S. Company Alba Actively Involved in Gluten-Free Pharmaceutical Research in Europe
*Alba Sees a Turning Point in Treatment for Celiac Disease
*Packaged Facts Predicts Alba’s Medication Will Not Affect the Market Over the Short Term
*Europe, a Common Market?
*European National Spotlight: Germany
*The Largest Gluten-free Market in Europe
*Pandea GmbH
*The Schär Company
*European National Spotlight: Italy
*Giuliani Tackles the Schär Company
*European National Spotlight: Scandinavia (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden)
*In Certain Respects Finland is the Odd Man Out
*A Leader in Organic Foods and State of the Art Manufacturing
*Swedish Celiac Epidemic Linked to Baby Formula
*Denmark, Compared to its Neighbors, a Bit of a Gluten-Free Slacker
*Tulip and Carlsberg Supply Danes with Gluten-free Beer and Hot Dogs
*Norwegians Feast on Gluten-Free McDonald's, Burger King Burgers & Other Fast Food
*Finland, the Gluten-free “Paradise”
*Moilasen Leipomo & Friabröd Bakeries Distribute Frozen Gluten-free Goods Throughout the *Whole of Finland
*Finnish Gluten-free Food has Europe-Wide Impact
*Sweden’s Karolinska Institutet is a Leader in Gluten-free Medical Research . 161
*Swedish Gluten-Free Marketers have European & Domestic Impact
*European National Spotlight: Spain
*Spain Gets Gluten-free Religion
*European Marketers Roll Out G-F Products in Spain
*Spanish Marketers are Active Too
*European National Spotlight: The United Kingdom
*Pharmacies Important Venues for G-F
*Table 8-2: Prescribable Product List, January 2009
*U.K. Gluten-free Marketers Comprise a Wide Spectrum
*Gluten-Free Foods Ltd
*Barkat Brand
*North American National Spotlight: Canada
*Canada Beats the U.S. to the Gluten-free Punch
*The CCA’s Work has Created a Fertile Environment for Gluten-free Marketing
*Exclusively G-F, Glutino Foods has Line of 60 Gluten-free Products and a Thriving Online *Business
*Nature’s Path an Organic Food Marketer Can Trace its Roots Back to 1971
*Nature’s Path Grows 800% in Four Years
*Nature’s Path Invades Washington
*Farmpure Foods & Source Salba are Leading Canadian Single Grain G-F Marketers
*Asian-Pacific National Spotlight: Australia
*Coeliac Society of Australia Certifies G-F Products, Using its Trademarked Logos
*Australian Companies Kez’s & Oway Self-Certify
*International Gluten-free Marketers have Multiple Paths into the U.S.
*Figure 8-1: Nestlé Website Poll, Substances Nestlé’s Website Visitors are Allergic to: (percent)
*Source: Nestlé website as viewed in January 2009
The retail market for gluten-free foods and beverages is exploding as a result of multiple triggers. On the marketer side, giant General Mills has converted its venerable Rice Chex Brand to gluten-free status, thus beginning what promises to be a battle of giants as other mega-marketers look to enter the fray. The first giant marketer to create a gluten-free product was Anheuser-Busch, which debuted a gluten-free beer, Redbridge in 2006. Also that year the international spice giant McCormick and Co. acquired Simply Asia Foods. Undeterred, numerous specialty marketers have sprung up, using web 2.0 networking to sell directly in what has long been a consumer driven market.
On the consumer side, demand has been growing exponentially as sufferers of a wide variety of maladies (including celiac disease, autism, attention deficit disorder, irritated bowel syndrome, and MS) have come to believe a gluten-free diet will provide relief. The consumer core of celiac disease, and gluten allergy, sufferers is also growing steadily as diagnosis and treatment of these conditions has improved and increased.
Retailers are holding up their side too. Supermarkets’ gluten-free marketing ranges from gluten-free product lists on their websites, to gluten-free private-label reformulations, to new gluten-free store sections. Even the Federal Government is lending a hand as it finalizes regulatory criteria for gluten-free labeling. This new regulatory clarity should prove a boon to marketers currently struggling through a hodge-podge of self-help organizations for certification. Even the current economic slowdown cannot be seen as a negative factor for the overall gluten-free foods and beverages market, as hard-pressed consumers are motivated to try dietary self-help when mainstream medical assistance grows out of reach.
Packaged Facts projects that this segment of the U.S. retail marketplace enjoyed a 28% CAGR to reach $1.56 billion by the end of 2008. Packaged Facts goes on to project that the segment will continue to grow, though not at the same torrid pace, through 2012.
The Gluten-Free Food and Beverage Market: Trends and Developments Worldwide, 2nd Edition. contains comprehensive data on the U.S. market for Gluten-Free Foods And Beverages, including historical (2004-2008) and forecast (2008-2012) retail sales data. The report discusses key trends affecting marketers, retailers and consumer demographics. It also contains two special sections: 1) Global Spotlight, a look at international activity; and 2) Medical Conditions Relating To Gluten, which deals with the broad spectrum of complaints that define consumer segments. In addition, the report profiles a broad spectrum of marketers.
*Report Methodology
The information in The Gluten-Free Food and Beverage Market: Trends and Developments Worldwide, 2nd Edition is based on primary and secondary research. Primary research includes in-depth, on-site examinations of retail outlets and interviews with companies, distributors and retailers to obtain information on new product and packaging trends, marketing programs, distribution methods and technological breakthroughs. Secondary research including data gathering from relevant sources, including consumer and industry publications, newspapers, government reports, company literature and corporate annual reports; Information Resources, Inc.; and other trade sources. Consumer demographics are derived from multiple sources including the Simmons Market Research Bureau.
*What You’ll Get in This Report
Gluten-Free Foods and Beverages makes important predictions and recommendations regarding the future of this market, and pinpoints ways current and prospective players can capitalize on current trends and spearhead new ones. No other market research report provides both the comprehensive analysis and data that Gluten-Free Foods and Beverages offers. Plus, you’ll benefit from extensive data, presented in easy-to-read and practical charts, tables and graphs.
*How You’ll Benefit from This Report
If your company is already doing business in the, gluten-free foods and beverages market or is considering making the leap, you will find this report invaluable, as it provides a comprehensive package of information and insight not offered in any other single source. You will gain a thorough understanding of the current market for Gluten-Free Foods and Beverages, as well as projected markets and trends through 2012.
*This report will help:
Gluten-Free Start-Ups understand how to target the various consumer segments; find the best path for retail and distribution; and understand the competitive situation.
Marketing managers identify market opportunities and decide what brands may be ripe for gluten-free conversion as well as how to develop targeted promotion plans for consumers.
Research and development professionals stay on top of competitor initiatives and explore demand for gluten-free foods and beverages.
Advertising agencies working with foods and beverage clients understand the product buyer in order to develop messages and media delivery strategies that compel consumers to buy gluten-free foods and beverages.
Business development executives understand the dynamics of the market and identify possible partnerships.
Information and research center librarians provide market researchers, brand and product managers and other colleagues with the vital information they need to do their jobs more effectively.
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Tuesday, August 18, 2009
guidos fresh marketplace, groceries in the Berkshires, tuesday august 18, 2009
*Guido's Fresh Marketplace!
A great gluten free selection of groceries at Guido Fresh Marketplace, 1020 South Street, Pittsfield MA - a large well marked separate section! And there is more than one store in the Berkshires! And knowledgable helpers too!
*Can't wait to try...
gluten-free Enjoy Life Gingerbread cookies.
*Post accepted at well blog area of new york times to significant article about gluten-free and celiac
Monday, August 17, 2009
barrington stage company, high school musical 2, barrington brewery, monday august 17, 2009
*Plenty of gluten free snacks
Saw High School Musical 2 live at Barrington stage company, 30 Union St, Pittsfield, MA 01201. It was the final performance, sorry it was not blogged earlier.
*Blog entry at the significant gluten free New York Times article of august 15
Still trying to make a blog posting which points to here.
*Search on Google for gluten
Results 1 - 10 of about 11,000,000 for gluten [definition]. (0.22 seconds)
*Search Google for celiac
Results 1 - 10 of about 3,330,000 for celiac [definition]. (0.10 seconds)
*Barrington Brewery
Had a nice gluten free meal at Barrington Brewery and restaurant, 420 stockbridge road (route 7), great barrington, ma 01230. Sadly there was no gluten-free beer brewed there. Due to this - sent an email to
Please make gluten free beer. People will buy it at the brewery and other places.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
four brothers pizza, mad men, amctv, sunday august 16, 2009
*Went to four brothers pizza, route 7, great barrington, ma and they cooked yummy italian food - two dishes which split a one pound bag of tinkyada gluten free pasta
*Planning to watch Mad Men on AMC, and do not expect any gluten free references.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
what is gluten?, Hung on HBO, followers, Betty Crocker, sunshine burgers, gluten free pantry, envirokidz nature path, deboles,saturday august 15,2009
*Went to a birthday party and a tween/teen asked "What is gluten"?
*TV reference: An episode of Hung on HBO refers to a gluten-free baked good. ...Planning to see some live shakespeare this week and do not expect any gluten free references.
* has blog followers and glutenfreediary on has followers
*Anyone ever do a taste off between Cherrybrook Kitchen versus Betty Crocker baked goods?
*Gluten free products we like, made by: gf veggie burgers from Sunshine Burgers, gf chocolate chip cookies from Gluten Free Pantry, gf vanilla animal cookies from envirokidz nature's path
*Gluten free products we think cost too much, but we like: gluten-free pasta by deboles - which cost too much compared to one pound bags of tinkyada gf pasta.
*Substantial New York Times article about Gluten and Celiac - "The expense of eating with celiac disease"
Friday, August 14, 2009
gluten-free tshirt, buy gluten-free food, post office, byob, redbridge, sorghum, thanks, friday august 14, 2009
*Saw a dude around the local post office with a tshirt with (just the words) gluten-free on the back
*Use it or lose it
Actually, it is more like you must buy it a lot, or you will not find it. If there is gluten-free food at a store where you buy stuff and you like it then please keep buying it (early and often). Some stores are starting to stop selling gluten free foods that not enough people buy. So buy gluten free food.
Remember to Bring Your Own Beer if you are going on an out of town vacation. Gluten-Free Redbridge beer by Anhueser-Busch is yummy (and full of sorghum) - which was found a while ago (since it is not easy to find you should buy a couple of six packs at a time) at ShopRite Wines & Spirits of Englewood,
55 Nathaniel Place Englewood, NJ 07631 -Please drink responsibly.
*Cherrybrook kitchens bottom flaps for rewards
Does anybody use this program?
*Thanks to all concerned during the technical crisis for did not resolve to the blog, but instead to some godaddy page. Well, after discussions via, and deletion of a kooky/extra A record in the dns table, it is good. has always worked well, but without the www seemed to fail.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
twitter,,, glutenfreedairy, gluten free dairy, google news, youtube, thursday august 13, 2009
*Another way to get here
*For your convenience - links...
Twitter search for gluten free, results should change each time you click
Google news search for gluten free
like the other google news searchs, results may change each time you click
Google news search for gluten free diet
Google news search for gluten free recipe
Youtube search for videos about gluten free
*Read what we're saying on twitter
* needs a definition for gluten free
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
cvs, vacation food, Enjoy Life, Namaste, yahoo, sitereportcard, wednesday august 12, 2009
*CVS Thank You! CVS just started to keep (gluten free) Rice Chex in their stores! Now it can conveniently and quickly be bought for a breakfast or a snack (or breading for chicken)!
*For vacation food consider bringing from home items which might not be available at most mainstream stores:
Gluten free Tinkyada pasta
Gluten free Enjoy life cookies
Gluten free Cherrybrook kitchen mix for fun baking (hooray together time)
Gluten free Namaste pancake mix
Gluten free Annie's mac and cheese
Just started the process of Yahoo! Search Submission Submit Your Site for Free. It may require a yahoo registration.
*Refine a website
If you are trying to refine a website or blog, try using
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
raise awareness, gluten free, diet, food, lifestyle, restaurants, shopping, lists, products, media, periodic diary, blog, tuesday august 11, 2009
* Raise Awareness! This is a blog to Inform and Amuse about a gluten free diet (food) and lifestyle (restaurants, shopping, lists, products, media), a periodic diary - for everyone (especially celiacs, those with wheat intolerance, allergy, sensitivity and autism)
* We are
gluten free diary
Monday, August 10, 2009
'gluten' related without 'gluten' google keywords, wikipedia, gluten free celebrity, baking gluten free brownies, Cherrybrook Kitchen, august 10, 2009
*Google search 50 most popular keyword phrases for june 2009, in order psuedo alphabetical, related to 'gluten' without 'gluten' in them:
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*Attempting to add 'Gluten Free Celebrity' to wikipedia. We'll see how that goes...
*Birthday party - BYOC
When you go to someone's birthday party you should celebrate! And a great way to celebrate is to share in a baked good eating experience! Of course a problem is that when you go to someone's birthday party, and you are gluten free, YOU can't eat the cake. So... BYOC - Bake your own Cake and Bring your own Cake
Actually, consider baking gluten free brownies to bring to enjoy at the party. And remember to tell those hosting the party if you decide to bring the entire pan of brownies - they could be shared with others who eat gluten free!..
We started with the box of Cherrybrook Kitchen gluten free fudge brownie mix, which we got from Organica Natural Foods, 246 Livingston Street, Northvale NJ 07647, recently...
Recipe and instructions - We gathered and used: the mix box, 1/2 cup of water, a mini cup of natural motts apple sauce (3.9 ounces), a toothpick, a spoon to mix with, a bowl to mix in, spray pam, an 8x8 inch square brownie cooking tin, a piece of aluminum foil to cover the tin once baked, a tooth pick
-Spray the tin with the pam
-preheat an oven to, our preference, approx 330 degrees
-pour and mix in the bowl: the mix box contents, the apple sauce and 1/2 cup of water
-let mixture relax for about 10 minutes
-bake for 14 minutes at 330 degrees. continue and bake, depending on how moist it is (if curious use the toothpick) at 305 degrees for another 5 minutes.
-Take out of the oven.
-let the brownies relax for a while before eating...
Please note that our recipe differs from what cherrybrook kitchen suggests (also their bake times are different).
Sunday, August 9, 2009
google keywords phrases with 'gluten', TPR, Tenafly Pizza Restaurant, sunday august 9,2009
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*A shout out to TPR, Tenafly Pizza Restaurant, 38 West Railroad Avenue, Tenafly, NJ 07670 for a great entree last night, cooked with the tinkyada gluten free pasta we brought in and gave them, of pasta alla vodka with salmon. Yummy.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
alexa, top million websites, website names with gluten,,,, oats august 8,2009
*from alexa top million most popular websites on the planet on approximately june 15, 2009
websites names with 'gluten' in them - approximate rank in the top million & name
There are approximately 20 website names with gluten in them in the alexa million most popular websites as of approximately june 15, 2009
*registered free at (which was very easy to do) these blogs/blognames
*Some people believe that a gluten free diet can safely include oats. We do not.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Back to school - all year long, sympathetic diet, jenny mccarthy, GFC, gluten free celebrity, urban dictionary : friday august 7, 2009
*give Back-to-school all year long by eating general mills gluten free rice chex ($3.79 for a box today at Shoprite of Northvale) and gluten free cinnamon chex ($3.49 for a box today) and taking the box tops for education coupon off of the box and giving it to your school or parent/teacher organisation school collection.
*Jenny Mccarthy, GFC, gluten free celebrity for many reasons, one of which is a sympathetic diet with her son's. Her son has autism and she believes that a gluten free diet helps him.
*Went to urbandictionary to check whether someone has defined "gluten free celebrity" and "gfc" as short for it. They didn't. So realestatesteve tried to add them. We shall see the results.
And congratulations and kudos for urban democracy, the term "gluten free celebrity" has officially made it to urban pop culture (see email response below):
Urban Dictionary - gluten free celebrity was published
Sent:Fri 8/07/09 4:09 PM
To: realestatesteve
Thanks for your definition of gluten free celebrity! Editors reviewed your entry and have decided to publish it on It should appear on this page in the next few days:
Urban Dictionary -----
gluten free celebrity
A celebrity, for whatever reason or reasons, who adheres to a gluten free diet and lifestyle. The celebrity might have celiac, think that the lifestyle wards off autism or cancer, be wheat intolerant, have a sympathic diet to one close to them who is gluten free, or simply embrace the weight loss effects of short term gluten freedom. Plural: gluten free celebrities
Some examples of gluten free celebrities are:
*Zooey Deschanel, movie actress and a gluten free celebrity, gfc
*Jane Swift, first female governor of massachusetts, is a gluten free celebrity, gfc
Thursday, August 6, 2009
GFC Gluten Free Celebrity, Zooey Deschanel, Top Chef, Keith Olbermann, News, thursday august 6, 2009
* GFC Gluten Free Celebrity
*Zooey Deschanel - GFC - Specially Cooked for by five great chefs on Top Chef Masters episode on Bravo the other night. She stated that she is gluten free and was cooked for accordingly. Also in a new movie (500) Days of Summer.
*Keith Olbermann - GFC - In the new TV guide article TV's biggest paychecks revealed his is $7.5 Million per year doing what is categorized as News for MSNBC. He has stated he has celiac, and is thus gluten free.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Local health natural food stores, Healthway, wednesday august 5, 2009
*Upon starting a gluten free diet go to the local health natural food store. There you will learn about what products are available to buy to include in a balanced gluten free diet. Personal preference will guide about favorites of each type of food.
Today at the local health food store Healthway natural foods, 35 riveredge road, tenafly NJ 07670 purchases were:
Glutino gluten free French Toast Slices (8), from the freezer case, cost of $7.29
Ians gluten free French Toast Sticks (15-18), from the freezer case, cost of $5.69
Tinkyada gluten free Grand Shells, to stuff for a delicious meal for 3 or 4 people, cost of $3.29. Tinkyada also makes gluten free Lasagne, which also would be for a delicious meal for 3 to 4 people.
...And be comfortable to ask the store helper/clerk about products or product types which you deduce should be available but you do not see. The Tinkyada grand shells started to be stocked at the Tenafly Healthway only after we asked about them - and people have been buying them, and they continue to be stocked. Particularly, Local health food stores have a limited amount of shelf space, mind space, time, and capital.
*On vacation out of town enjoy time together by visiting the local health natural food store.
*And at the Columbus Circle whole foods got glutino gluten free pretzels 8 oz bag, cost $4.69
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Celiacs ride the bus: tuesday August 4, 2009
*To and from the day (summer) camp mentioned in other posts, this summer, on one bus well known to us, but randomly chosen from the rest, of the 20 or less kids riding on the bus, at least 3 celiacs ride the bus.
How do we start to reverse the trend of people increasingly getting celiac?
*Type into google gluten free diary and do a google search - this website is found sixth on the results list of websites - very good after just a few days
Monday, August 3, 2009
Shop Rite, google adsense : monday August 3, 2009
* Grocery shopping. At Shop Rite supermarket, 246 Livingston Street, Northvale, NJ 07647. FANTASTIC selection of gluten free foods, nestled in a section with other "specialty foods". Plenty of stuff: today's purchases included two bags of Tinkyada gluten free pasta (one pound bag for $2.99) and Annie's gluten free mac and cheese (one box for $3.29).
Eating gluten free is more expensive.
*Google adsense ads were easy to place into this blog (especially true if you already have an account with google adsense). I picked the layout placement desired, told it my signin info for an existing adsense account, and it set stuff up nicely.
Much less easy was placing a google adsense search box at the top of the blog. For this you need to copy existing adsense search box html into just the right spot in the html for your blog (I put it just where the body start is).
A&P grocery shopping : sunday august 2, 2009
*Grocery shopping. We have learned and thus do not even try to look for gluten free foods at any stores in the chain of the A and P supermarket
*When making chicken strips, try breading by using a combination of crushed corn chex and cinnamon, and moisten with a combo of egg and peanut butter. For breading we also enjoy gillian's gluten free bread crumbs
Cassie's and Tinkyada saturday august 1, 2009
*Went with friends out to italian food dinner at Cassie's, 203 Route 303, Orangeburg, NY 10962.
How do we do this, given the gluten free requirement?..
Well, first of all, we are tolerant enought of gluten that we can eat gluten free pasta which came from the same cooking pot that just cooked pasta with gluten.
Next, we bring a full unopened bag of Tinkyada gluten free pasta with us to an italian food joint. Once seated, we tell the waitperson that we need them to cook our pasta for us. As uncomfortable as this might seem, this has worked for us for most requests. We always assume that we will pay the regular price for the dish (even tho' we brought our own pasta). Sometimes we get some of the uncooked Tinkyada pasta given back to us at the end of the meal. Sometimes we order two different dishes to be made - sharing the contents of the bag between both dishes. : friday july 31, 2009
*Registered with Cost was free for a blog. Bound to - this was an intellectually challenging endeavor which requires informing properly and godaddy's use of the dns table fill in and some hope that you did it correctly.
This blog was born.
Rice Chex and Corn Chex (from General Mills) are gluten free : thursday July 30, 2009
"the cooking counselor bought Rice Chex cereal, ShopRite chocolate chips and Gluten Free pretzels (all have been checked and are safe for celiac...). He makes a separate batch in the morning before the campers come in for cooking so it will be all set..."
Thank you Jill.
EMME's More To Love on Fox, GFC : tuesday july 28, 2009
We went to our friend EMME's More To Love on Fox party at Harvest bistro, 252 Schraalenburgh Rd, Closter, NJ 07624. Emme eats gluten free, and includes spelt. We don't think spelt is gluten free, so we don't eat it.
Welcome to gluten free diary blog : monday July 27, 2009
monday July 27, 2009:
*Registered the domain for one one year, with Godaddy. Cost was $10.87
*Discussed/emailed with allergy specialist/watchdog Jill at Blue Rill (Summer) Day Camp, 444 saddle river road, airmont ny, 10952 about the food for the make your own sundae fun.
Gluten Free PIZZA Moving Blog